23. March 2020
Behind The Scenes

Why We Take X-Rays of Our Projects

Nightnurse Images' Visualizer Chris Payne won our internal competition, called Image of the Month (IOTM) back in August 2019, with this image for Kollektiv Marudo and Schwabe Suter Architekten of the WBW Seebach in Zurich. Part of winning the IOTM competition entails that the winning visualizer breaks down the image-making process and presents it to the team so that everyone can learn from the process. Scroll down for the x-ray video.

What makes the x-rays a really cool thing for our team, is the knowledge sharing that happens when the IOTM winner present the x-ray. These kinds of events are maybe one of the privileges of being a bigger team, but it is also an active choice that we choose to learn from the images our team votes for as the best image of this month. Here is Chris explaining the image-making process as he did to our team.


“It was real teamwork with the client – they were very collaborative and really great at giving constructive feedback. For the decision on the point of view, the project lead came by the office, had a sit down with me, and together we tested and figured out the best point of view for the project. This sit-down process helped us look at the projects more as a whole and not get lost in unimportant details.“

“That was when we came up with the ‘image in an image’ perspective that really provides the images with a strong composition, which allows for a foreground that focuses on materials and a background that is more about the mood. Creating a balance between interior and exterior.”

“One of the most challenging things in this image is the folding doors. It took some time to figure out the best position for them. Because they needed to be positioned strategically to not cover important parts of the outside, but at the same time show the actual door, which is an important part of the design. Other than that the interior is kept very simple to not catch too much attention, as it is not really important to the story of the image. Instead, I put emphasis on the details that I added to the outside because this is where I wanted the viewer’s eye to go.”

“I choose to make everything in 3D; people, vegetation, furniture, etc. are all 3D – it was a choice to give the image a certain style and a strategy for making it look holistic.”

“The color scale I used in the image I purposefully matched to the color of the building. The color is important because it supports the purpose of the image, which is about transmitting a mood rather than showing every detail of the design.”

X-Ray of the process © Nightnurse Images