The creative mind that accidentally became a visualizer

Andrey Ageenkov - Der kreative Kopf, der zufällig zum Visualisierer wurde

Andrey Ageenkov discovered his passion for 3D visualizations by chance. Today, he is an experienced visualizer at Nightnurse and is passionate about the magic of images.

What career stages have you had?
It started many years ago, purely by chance, when I downloaded 3ds Max from a shared folder on a friend's PC in my home town. I spent almost all my free time clicking here and there, learning and creating. "I can create anything I imagine" - this technology seemed magical at the time. Then I let it go and went to university to learn a "real" profession. After graduating with a degree in International Business Relations, I was invited by a friend of a friend to work in a small start-up in the gaming industry as a modeler/concept artist - my first "real" job, which felt like endless fun and partying. After about a year, I decided it was time to move on. Thus began my journey in architectural visualization over 10 years ago.

What is your personal superpower - and how do you use it?
My personal superpower is to never give up. This tenacity helps me to overcome challenges and always strive for perfection.

What brought you to Nightnurse?
After moving to Switzerland in 2022, I started looking for a job. When I googled "best architecture visualization company in Switzerland", I found Nightnurse Images AG. Sent my CV, had an interview - and here I am.

Which spaces or places fascinate you in particular and why?
I think the most beautiful places are created by nature: lakes, mountains and similar landscapes particularly fascinate me.

What is the most beautiful thing that has ever been visualized?
Ich liebe Schwarz-Weiss-Bilder, denn sie zeigen das Wesen des Motivs. Diese Reduktion auf das Wesentliche bringt eine besondere Tiefe und Klarheit hervor.

What do you love doing, when you're not working as a Nightnurse?
I like to spend time with my daughter, learn something new, travel or play video games. These activities provide me with a wonderful balance and inspire me for my work.

Jasmin Stricker - Projektleitung, 3D Artist

Jasmin Stricker

Project Lead, 3D Artist +41 44 533 68 23

Randa Ritter

3D Artist (in Training) +41 44 533 68 29