Tirana Government Hub & Tower

Zaha Hadid Architects

Two Landmark Projects Driving Urban Transformation

Tirana, Albania’s capital, leads the country’s ongoing urban transformation. As part of this continued development, the city launched an architectural competition for two distinct projects: a public administration hub and a mixed-use tower. Although both buildings share a broader vision, each will be built on a separate site and therefore treated as an independent venture.


  • Image Concepts and Consulting

  • Competition Visualizations

Wettbewerbs-Visualisierung für Zaha Hadid Architekten vom Verwaltungsgebäude für Tirana
Wettbewerbs-Visualisierung für Zaha Hadid Architekten vom Hochhaus für Tirana - Eingangssituation
We explored a wide range of image concepts to distill the strongest compositions.
Wettbewerbs-Visualisierung für Zaha Hadid Architekten vom Hochhaus für Tirana - Luftbild

Bold, Iconic Shapes Uniting Modern Fabrication with Tirana’s Heritage

Our team had the privilege of creating a series of images for Zaha Hadid Architects’ bold competition entry. Their iconic designs fuse traditional Tirana aesthetics and local materials like terracotta with cutting-edge digital technologies, resulting in two monumental yet inviting landmarks.

Wettbewerbs-Visualisierung für Zaha Hadid Architekten vom Hochhaus für Tirana - Perspektive vom Fluss

Refining Bold Concepts Through Rapid Visual Exploration

With architecture this iconic and geometries this striking, the visual exploration phase becomes even more crucial. We quickly test ideas against criteria of visual boldness, emotive impact, and fidelity to the concept. The sketches produced are fast, rough, and expressive—purposefully designed to communicate our intentions and set the mood for the entire image set.

We'd love to tell you more about our process and how we work.

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Wettbewerbs-Visualisierung für Zaha Hadid Architekten vom Verwaltungsgebäude für Tirana - Vogelperspektive

Throughout our iterative process, we maintain an open dialogue with the architects, continuously refining and discarding less effective ideas until we arrive at a cohesive selection that aligns perfectly with the project's vision and objectives.

Some of the discarded concepts are showcased in the slideshow below, illustrating the thoughtful progression and evolution of our design journey.

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