01. June 2022

🌈 Happy Pride Month!🌈

Every year, during the month of June, the 2SLGBTQAI+ community celebrates in a number of different ways. Across the globe, various events are held during this special month as a way of recognising the influence 2SLGBTQAI+ people have had around the world. Why was June chosen? Because it is when the Stonewall Riots took place, way back in 1969.

As well as being a month-long celebration, Pride Month is also an opportunity to peacefully protest and raise political awareness of current issues facing the community. Parades are a prominent feature of Pride Month, and there are many street parties, community events, poetry readings, public speaking, street festivals and educational sessions all of which are covered by mainstream media and attract millions of participants.

Nightnurse Images believes in the values of democracy, freedom and peace! To create awareness, we will be sharing events and posts dedicated to Pride on our social media channels.

While celebrating Pride Month, we have chosen to keep our logo in the colours of the Ukrainian flag, due to the continual perilous and critical situation in Ukraine.

#lgbtqia #lgbtqpride #lgbtqhumanrights #equality #pridemonth #loveislove #pride

Image: 2022/05/Pride-with-white-logo-01-copy-1024x483.png

Did you know...

... Only last year (September 2021), did Switzerland vote on legalising same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage will be legal in Switzerland from 1 July 2022. However, the Swiss LGBT community has been marching since 1975. The first time they drew attention to their concerns and the community was when marching with a banner on the 1st of May (Labour Day) rally in Basel.

... Argentina doesn't celebrate Pride in June. Argentina recognises June as International Pride month but celebrates pride in November. Argentinian Pride marches started in 1992 in Buenos Aires and were celebrated in June, until 1996 when the queer movements decided to move it to the first weekend of November celebrating 30 years of the creation of Nuestro Mundo  (translated to "Our World", which is the first queer movement group created in Argentina). Moreover, in Argentina, June is the beginning of winter, and since some members of the community, back in the day, suffered from HIV AIDS, marching in the colder weather was unsafe and a big risk for them.

... The use of the term "Pride", in relation to the 2SLGBTQAI+ community, comes from Brenda Howard, also known as the Mother of Pride: a New York bisexual rights activist and organizer of the first NY Pride Parade in honour of the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in 1970.

... 2SLGBTQAI+ stands for 2 Spirits, Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Asexual, Intersex and + for the numerous affirmative ways people choose to self-identify.

Do you have questions or other facts to share about Pride, let us know in the comments down below.





Buenos Aries