WANT TO DWELL - A Festival for the Public Good / Part 1
ZAZ Bellerive is organizing the event "Wie wollen wir wohnen" as part of the 100th anniversary of the Wohnbaugenossenschaft Zürich housing cooperative. The exhibition has been running since September 2019 and focuses on non-profit living, discussing the present and future of cooperative life.
The scenography studio melt conceived the temporary exhibition.
As visualizers and responsible architects, we feel - whether we like it or not - directly addressed and feel the need to reflect:
How will we live? And how do we not want to live? How can we live? And how can we not? Or perhaps the question arises: How do we have to live?
We looked at the agenda with the lecture topics and intuitively tried to contrast the individual topics with some of our competition visualizations, which we were allowed to produce in the last 2 years for various Zurich architectural offices on the subject of living. An outline and at the same time State of the Art …
"Generationenwohnen für alle?" / "Generational living for all"
"Wohnen für 1000 Franken?" / "Living for 1,000 francs?"
"The future is agglo"
"Wohnen 55+ eine Etikette für gestern?" / "Living 55+ an etiquette for yesterday?"
"Die jungen Wilden: angekommen in der Zukunft?" / "The Young Savages: Arrived in the Future?"
"Hochhaus für die Gemeinnützigen?" / "High-rise for the common good?"
#nightnurseimages #ZAZ #100jahrewohnbaugenossenschaften #bellerive #ausstellung #wohnen #zukunft #shareyourthoughts #nightnursesdocare #gemeinnützugeswohnen